
Achleiten: Salieri OLD gewinnt Grand Prix

Mit einem Auftaktsieg sind wir in unser Turnier auf Schloss Achleiten gestartet. Salieri OLD gewann den Grand Prix - leider bei strömendem Regen. 68,92 Prozent erhielt er für eine wirklich gute und zunehmend gelassenere Vorstellung.


Fritzens: Falcao OLD Takes Third Place in the Grand Prix

With third place under his belt, Falcao OLD got off to a good start at the show in Fritzens today. In the Grand Prix qualification for the free-style on Sunday we received 69.37 percent and were only beaten by Hubertus Schmidt/GER onWeltissimo (70.83 percent) and Ludwig Zierer/GER with Weltino (69.41). 


Fritzens: Eichendorff Finishes Ninth in the Special

Unfortunatley, Edi and I again made mistakes in the flying changes so we didn't do any better than ninth place in the Special of Fritzens. The ground was not optimal for the horses after all the rain we've had - but that's still no explanation for the obvious misunderstandings. We only received 64.60 percent.


Olympic Diary 30

In the afternoon we were received by the  mayor of the Olympic Village. It was an official visit and the entire Austrian equestrian team was there, so my quarantine partner, the event rider Harald Ambros, was also present.


Namensgebung ...

Heute hat unsere kleine Fackeltanz-Prinzessin einen ersten Ausflug unternommen und in der Reithalle eine Kostprobe ihres Bewegungsvermögens gegeben. Gar nicht so einfach, bei diesen langen Beinen.

Jetzt fehlt ihr nur noch ein passender Name, der ja mit "F" beginnen muss, wie der ihres Vaters. Für Vorschläge wären wir dankbar!


CDI Achleiten

Our international show at Schloss Achleiten begins on Thursday with the vet check. On Friday the tests begin at 9:00 a.m. with the St. Georges. Afterward, at 2:00 p.m. the Grand Prix qualifier for the Free-Style will take place. On Saturday the Grand Prix qualifier for the Special starts at 9:00 a.m. and at 2:00 p.m. the Grand Prix Free-Style is scheduled. On Sunday, this year's CDI in Achleiten will be concluded with the Inter I at 9:00 a.m. and the Special at 2:00 p.m.

The following riders have signed up: from Germany Alfons Friedberger, Rudi Widman and Cora Jacobs; from Italy  Valentina Truppa and Stefano Blasi; from the Ukraine Olga Klimko and from Switzerland Veronica Marthaler and Patrizia Schärli.

Spectators are, of course, most welcome!!