
The First Foal Has Arrived!

The year had hardly begun and the first foal was born at our Gestüt Vorwerk in Cappeln/GER.


Merry Christmas!

We wish all of our friends and acquaintences and all horse friends wonderful Christmas holidays and all the best for the New Year!

Yours truly,

The Max-Theurer family


Frankfurt/M.: Eichendorff Ninth in the World Cup Free-Style

Eichendorff also took ninth place in Frankfurt/M. in the World Cup Free-Style. He received 72.10 percent from the judges. 


Frankfurt/M.: Eichendorff Ninth in the Grand Prix

In the Grand Prix qualifier for tomorrow's World Cup free-style at the show in Frankfurt's Festhalle, Eichendorff ended with 69.74 percent, finishing on ninth place.


Frankfurt/M.: Fürst Khevenhüller Fourth in the  Burg Pokal Final

Fürst Khevenhüller took fourth place in the Nürnberg Burg Pokal Final held in the Festhalle in Frankfurt.


Dubrovnik NRW and Grimaldi Approved for Oldenburg

The NRW Champion Stallion, Dubrovnik NRW, and Grimaldi who was also licensed in Münster-Handorf were both approved by the Oldenburg Verband in Vechta/GER.

Dubrovnik NRW, a Diamond Hit son, will be sent to Dorothee Schneider for further training and will be available to breeders through her Gestüt St. Stephan in Framersheim/GER. The chestnut Grimaldi, a Gribaldi/Trakehner son, will also be trained there.

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